• https://ia.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scriptura
    Le scriptura es un methodo de representation graphic del linguage parlate. Vide etiam Scriptor Stilo Typographia Littera Syntaxe Referentias
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  • https://kw.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skrifa
    Skrifa yw an gwrians a govadha yeth yn mayn gwelesek der usya sett a arwodhyow, kepar ha lytherennow. Res yw dhe'n arwodhyow bos aswonnys gans re erel may hallons redya an tekst. Skrifa a with ha keskomunya godhvos. Nyns yw kevreythyow skrifa yethow denel aga honan, yth yns i fordhow dhe rendra yeth yn furv a yll bos gwelys gans tus erel neb yw divaglys dre dermyn ha/po der efander. Ni a yll redya skrifa a dermyn pell alemma ha a rannow dyffrans a'n bys. Kyn na wra yethow oll devnydhya kevreyth skrifa, an re gansa a yll ystynna an gallos a yeth kewsys der alosegi an gwrians a furvow kewsel duryadow hag a yll bos treuskorrys a-dreus spas (r.e. kesskrifans) ha gwithys dres termyn (r.e. lyvervaow po kovadhow poblek erel). Y hyll bos effeythyow treusfurvya godhvos dhe'n gwrians a skrifa y honan, awos homma dhe asa tus dhe veshe aga thybyansow yn furvow esya dhe brederi y'ga hever, ystynna hag amendya. Skrifa yw onan a'n dismygyansow moyha a vri a vab den. Dismygys o wosa tus dhe drevesiga yn trevow ha wosa an dalleth a ammeth. Skrifa a dhallathas a-dro dhe 3,300KOK, henn yw nans yw moy es 5000 bledhen, y'n Est Kres. Istorioryon vodhesek, H.G. Wells...
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  • https://sw.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uandishi
    Uandishi ni njia ya mawasiliano kati ya watu inayowakilisha lugha na hisia kwa alama na ishara zilizorekodiwa. Katika lugha nyingi, uandishi unakamilisha mawasiliano ya sauti, ukitumia miundo yake, kama vile maneno, sarufi na semantiki. Uandishi si lugha ya pekee, bali aina ya teknolojia iliyostawi pamoja na vifaa wilivyotengenezwa katika jamii fulani. Kilichopatikana kwa njia ya uandishi kinaitwa matini, na anayeyapokea anaitwa msomaji. Sababu za kuandika zinajumuisha barua, hadithi, shajara na kutoa vitabu. Uandishi umewezesha kutunza kumbukumbu za historia, kudumisha utamaduni, kusambaza ujuzi na kuunda mifumo ya sheria. Pia ni muhimu katika kumwezesha mtu kutokeza ya kwake, kama wanavyofanya washairi na watunzi wengine. Kadiri jamii zilivyostawi, zilihitaji mabadilishano ya taarifa, utunzaji wa kumbukumbu mbalimbali (k.mf. hesabu, sheria na mikataba). Kufikia milenia ya 4 KK, biashara na utawala huko Mesopotamia vilizidi uwezo wa kumbukumbu ya binadamu na kuhitaji maandishi; vilevile katika Misri ya Kale na Amerika ya Kati. Tanbihi Marejeo ...
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  • https://la.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scriptura
    Scriptura est ars scribendi, actus commemorandi nuntios per modum oculorum, qui ab aliis legi potest. Differt a sermone quoniam lectoribus non opus est eodem tempore adesse. Scripturam legere possumus ab antiquitate et ab variis orbis terrarum partibus. Scriptura inter mirabilissimas hominum inventiones manet. Inventa est postquam homines urbes aedificaverunt et agriculturam exercere coeperunt. Scriptura circa 3300 a.C.n. in Medio Oriente orta est. Ante chartam repertam, variae materies ad scripturam ferendam adhibebantur, scilicet lignum, argilla, papyrus, lapides, pelles animalium. Romani in tabellis cereis stylo acuto scribere solebat, quae ad nuntios breves commemorandos populo gratae fuerunt. Inventio chartae a Sinensibus progressio magna habetur. Materies quae hodie saepissime usurpatur est charta, etsi extat technologia qua in paene omni re, superficie cibi non exclusa, imprimi potest. Modi sicut teleopsis et scrinia cinematica et ordinatra etiam adhiberi possunt ut scriptura mostretur. Scriptura usu instrumenti manualis velut styli, penicilli, vel graphii fere fit. Hodie plures textus per claviaturam...
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  • https://jbo.wikipedia.org/wiki/ciska
    lo nu ko'a ciska ko'e ko'i ko'o cu me lo nu ko'a zbasu lo vreji be ko'e noi selsku ku'o bei fo ko'i be'o sepi'o ko'o ni'o terci'a .i lo kliti cu pamoi terci'a .i lo unsangiga cu ciska lo cfinyle'u lo kliti lo kilga'apinsi .i lo semtrxakadu .e lo perso ji'a cu ciska lo cfinyle'u lo kliti .i lo prenrmino'a .e lo xelsrmukine cu ciska lo zasni fi lo kliti .i lo misro cu ciska fi lo misryple noi se zbasu fi lo misryplespa dasri .i lo dasri sefta cu kurkruca je snipa lo dasri sefta
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  • https://fj.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volavola
    Na volavola e dua na veitaratara ni kawatamata e oka kina na ivakaraitaki ni dua na vosa kei ivakatakarakara. E sega ni dau vakayagataka na veivosa taucoko e dua na volavola ivakarau, o ira na ivakarau ni vosaceuti e rawa ni ra vukea ka dodoka yani na vosataki vosa e cavuti tiko ena kena vakayacori na kena buli na ivakarau kaukauwa ni vosa ka rawa ni vakau yani ena kena gauna donu kei na kena maroroi. Sa dau laurai talega ni kena dau volai na itaviqaravi ni volavola vakai koya e rawa ni vakavuna na veisau ni kila, me vaka e vakatara na kawatamata me veitaudakutaki na nodra vakasama ena fomu rawarawa me ra vakasamataka ka koya tulituli.
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  • https://jam.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raitn
    Raitn a midiom a yuuman komiunikieshan we riprizent languij ah imuoshan chuu di inskripshan ar rikaadin a sain ah simbal. Ina muos languij, raitn a kampliment tu spiich ar spiikin languij. Raitn a no languij bot a faam a teknalaji we divelop az tuul divelop wid yuuman sasayati. Widin languij sistim, raitn rilai pah nof a di sieh chokcha az spiich, laka vokiabileri, grama ah simantix, wid di adaan dipendansi a sistim a sain ar simbal. Di rizolt a raitn jinarali kaal tex, ah di risipient a tex kaal riida. Muotivieshan fi raitn ingkluud poblikieshan, fi tel tuori, karispandans ah dayari. Raitn eh-inschrumental fi kip ischri, mentien kolcha, diseminiet nalij chuu di midia ah ina di faamieshan a liigal sistim. Azwel a impuotant midiom fi hexpres wanself bai wie a raitdong wod laka ou aata, puoyt ah soch di laik du.
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  • https://pms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scritura
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  • https://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrievin
    Scrievin is the airt o scartin merks ontae something whauras writin is the act o recordin information on a medium sae that it micht be read by ithers or at a later time. The tairm "scrieve" is defined be the Dictionar o the Scots Leid as "To write, esp. to write easily and copiously". A writer is ane wha uises written wirds in sindry styles an techniques tae communicate thair ideas. An author is narraely defined as the oreeginator o ony written wirk an can thus be describit as a writer (wi ony distinction primarily bein an implication that an author is a writer o ane or mair major wirks, such as beuks or plays). The medium is for ordinar paper, tho ither permanent media, sic as claith an cley can be uised. Temporar media sic as televeesion an pictur screens can be uised for tae shaw writin an aw. Writin is aft duin uisin a haund tuil sic as a pincil, a pen, or a besom, but mair an mair, text is bein creatit by computer prenters unner the guidal o a computer application. History In the earliest times, writin wis for ordinar a set o picturs, that stuid for wirds or ideas. The Egyptians uised this...
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  • https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing
    Writing is the act of recording language on a visual medium using a set of symbols. The symbols must be known to others, so that the text may be read. A text may also use other visual systems, such as illustrations and decorations. These are not called writing, but may help the message work. Usually, all educated people in a country use the same writing system to record the same language. To be able to read and write is to be literate. Writing differs from speech because the readers need not be present at the time. We can read writing from long ago, and from different parts of the world. Text stores and communicates knowledge. Writing is one of the greatest inventions of the human species. It was invented after people settled in towns, and after agriculture started. Writing dates from about 3,300BC, which is over 5000 years ago, in the Middle East. Writing today is usually on paper, though there are ways to print on almost any surface. Television and movie screens can also display writing, and so can computer screens. Many writing materials were invented, long before paper. Clay, papyrus, wood, slate and parchment (prepared animal...
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