Science (frae the Laitin scio, meanin "tae ken") is a wey tae find oot things. Whiles the wird "science" is uised for tae refer tae the knawledge that is fund uisin the methods o science. Fowk that daes science is cried scientists. Scientists study things bi leukin at them awfu tentily, bi meisurin them, an bi daein experiments an tests. Scientists tries tae expleen why things acts the wey thay dae, an is the wey thay are. Scientific method The "scientific method" is the name gien tae the methods uised in science for tae lairn things. The scientific method can be awfu uisefu. The main featurs o the scientific method is: The scientific method is a "trial an error" prattick. The scientific method lippens on data. The product o the scientific process is something cried a "theory". Maist fowk accepts the scientific method as the maist reliable wey for tae ken aboot naitur, the universe, an the human bouk. Ither featurs o science Aw theories is anerly acceptit sae lang as thay are the best explanation for the data that exeests...
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