Scrievin is the airt o scartin merks ontae something whauras writin is the act o recordin information on a medium sae that it micht be read by ithers or at a later time. The tairm "scrieve" is defined be the Dictionar o the Scots Leid as "To write, esp. to write easily and copiously". A writer is ane wha uises written wirds in sindry styles an techniques tae communicate thair ideas. An author is narraely defined as the oreeginator o ony written wirk an can thus be describit as a writer (wi ony distinction primarily bein an implication that an author is a writer o ane or mair major wirks, such as beuks or plays). The medium is for ordinar paper, tho ither permanent media, sic as claith an cley can be uised. Temporar media sic as televeesion an pictur screens can be uised for tae shaw writin an aw. Writin is aft duin uisin a haund tuil sic as a pincil, a pen, or a besom, but mair an mair, text is bein creatit by computer prenters unner the guidal o a computer application. History In the earliest times, writin wis for ordinar a set o picturs, that stuid for wirds or ideas. The Egyptians uised this...
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