Amen or The Pederasty
Amen, more commonly known as The Pederasty ("La pederastia" in Spanish), is a conceptual, critical and process artwork by Abel Azcona. Over several months, Azcona (who had received a Catholic education from the age of seven following his adoption) attended Eucharists in churches and parishes that were linked to his childhood. At each Eucharist, he kept the communion wafer rather than eating it. He thus gathered two hundred and forty-two wafers, the number of cases of pederasty reported in the north of Spain during the decade before that. He arranged the wafers into a work that spelled out the word Pederasty. It was first exhibited at a gallery in central Madrid in the summer of 2015. Exhibition At the end of 2015, a section of the work by Abel Azcona was selected to be part of a retrospective exhibition of the artist's works inside the city of Pamplona's Monument to the Fallen in the Spanish Civil War. The work was located on the altar of the old monument, which was formerly the cathedral of Pamplona, but at the time of Azconas' show, it was desacralized. Along with Amen's other critical works about child...
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